Monday, December 17, 2007

Week in Review: December 10th-16th

Ryan avatar
In cased you missed it...

Plugin Announcements
RapidGuestbook 1.1 update
v1.1 of RapidGuestbook has been released. Updates include more security, anti-spam, labels for each field and some general fixes.

Kwix Public Beta
YourHead's Kwix plugin is still in Public Beta and Isaiah has provided good information on the plugin in this thread.

Blocks Beta 3
Isaiah has been busy releasing beta versions of Blocks. These updates mainly address issues related to Page Blocks.

Theme Announcements
Will Woodgate and have released a new theme called Bionicle. The theme offers many variations and is available with a $2.00 discount until the end of the year with coupon code BIONICLERELEASE.

One of our favorite RW community members, Sundog, has released his first theme. Squeeze is a minimalistic theme with many options, including a Splash page. Thanks to Larry's amazing speed in all things, the theme is already available as a Version 2 release.

Bloop! update
seyDesign has updated its Bloop! theme. This patch fixes a javascript issue in the HTML template that would not allow external URLs to open in a new window.

Diamond update
Rapid Ideas has released and upated to its Diamond theme. This update adds a number of features, including: custom colors for the navbar in the sidebar, styling of the blog cloud tags, implementation of the pngfix javascript file for IE6/Win and other IE improvements.

Jumsoft Themes
Jumsoft has continued to update its themes that were first introduced in the previous Week in Review. The update includes Movie Album support, support for float image left or right, colorpicker support and the ability to choose font family and size. Initial response from owners of the themes is positive, but there still appears to be a bit of work left to do before these themes are completely ready. We will keep potential buyers up-to-date with the progress.

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