Sunday, December 9, 2007

An Introduction

Ryan's avatar
Howdy to the outstanding RapidWeaver community! My name is Ryan, better known as "ryanbsmith" on the RealMac Forum, and it's a pleasure to be contributing to the newly launched RapidWeaved. I began using RapidWeaver 2 years ago and have been developing websites with the software ever since. It's no secret that the community provides amazing support, and I'm excited to be giving back in a sense with contributions to RapidWeaved.

A few random tidbits about myself: I currently run my own business designing websites, doing I.T. consulting and offering various digital media services. I live in Texas so I figured I'd satisfy the cliché with a "howdy" to start things off. Just to clarify, though, I hate country music and have never owned a cowboy hat. In addition to website design and other geekery, I love playing the guitar and percussion, watching football and basketball (go Cowboys and Mavs!) and would probably be considered a movie snob, though I don't expect everyone to like the same movies I do.

A big "thanks" to Adam for launching this site and I hope my contribution does its part to make RapidWeaved a great resource for the entire community.

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